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Margaret Jane Stewart McKinven

White 1

  • Marriage: Margaret Jane Stewart McKinven


White married Margaret Jane Stewart McKinven, daughter of Hugh McKinven and Marion Lindsay. (Margaret Jane Stewart McKinven was born in 1886 in Tongland, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland 3 and died in Kilmarnoch 4.)



1 Mrs. Alison (Kyles) Pickering.

2 Mrs. Alison (Kyles) Pickering.

3 Scotland, Hamlet of Whitelees, parish of Symington, county Ayrshire. :
1891 census, Whitelees Farm, civil parish of Symington, South Ayrshire, Hamlet of Whitelees

Hugh McKinven, age 35, married, Farmer, born Argyllshire, Killean
Marion McKinven, age 36, married, born Ayrshire, Mauchline
son Alexander, age 8, scholar, born Ayrshire, Symington
son Robert, age 6, scholar, born Kirkcudbright, Rerrick
daughter Maggie, J.S. age 5, born Kirkcudbright, Tongland

4 Mrs. Alison Pickering, contents of letter from her Aunt Patty. :
I had some info from my aunt Patty re brothers and sisters of Robert Lindsay McKinven, 1884-1959, Mary Agnes 1891-1956, Hugh Sterling 1894-1957, Archie 1889-1954, Flora (Cant) Sandy, Angus . I have a picture here 8x10 of the McKinven family of Flora,Alexander, Mary, Marion< Margaret(Meg), Hugh, Archie, Robert, Sandy, and Angus.
There are 6 males in the picture. The Alexander looks to be the father, and the young man Sandy was probably the nickname for son Alexander? Will confirm with aunt Patty.

The Moreland family were Annie, died about Mar 1978, Dinah , Maude died 1949, Fred ,Gertrude(Neil Beaton) died about 38 , Russel died 1999 they lived in Glasgow, Prestwick area. I have the nursing certificate of Annie. She worked with or in the same hospital as Lister.
Back to the McKinvens- Margaret (Whyte) died in Kilmarnoch, Angus McPherson born 1898? died 1978, Alexander(Sandy) around 1882?
Children of another Alexander or Hugh and Marion surname probably Lindsay lived on Meadowhead Farm near Fenwick. Roger and I visited the farm and have a picture of it when we lived in Switzerland.

addendum: I think Gertrude died in the early1930's,had 2 children Grace and Joan and died when one was 2 or so. Russell was Dinah Moreland brother,sister of Gertrude,Maude,Annie,with brother Fred,Roger and I visited Russell and wife Isabelle in Glasgow.

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