The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," , FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org); Subdistrict 44, Ward 8, page 18, family 228
Wood, Irving, Head, married, male, age 26, born Nova Scotia, , parents born Nova Scotia, Machinist
Wood, Beryl , wife, married, female, age 24, born BC, parents born Newfoundland
Wood, Eric, son, male, single, age 6, born BC
Subdistrict 5, Point Grey, page 14, familiy 181
Wood, Lurandus Beech, Head, married, male, age 51, born NS, Contractor
", Nellie Marion, wife, married, female, age 46, born NS, Bible Student
", Walter, son single, male, age 2x?, born NS, Contractor
", Winifred, daughter, female, age 20, born NS, occupation: Binder
", Edna, daughter, female, age 14, born Alberta
", Harold, son, male, age 10, born BC,
below is the 1921 census record showing Lillian Fisher (previously Lillian Critch) apparently married to a Bruce Cowan. ( Mr. Charles Henry Critch died in 1919)
The 1933 marriage registration of the 41 yr old bachelor of George Bruce Cowan to Annie Sutcliffe indicates that Lillian ( Fisher) Critch was not officially married to this Bruce Cowan shown below.)
Vancouver, Burrard 13 district, page 6, family 68
Cowan, Bruce, Head, male, married, age 29, born Manitoba, father Ont. , mother Scotland, occupation: Lumber, firewood
", Lily, Wife, female, married, age 35, born Ontario, father Ontario, mother Quebec,
Critch, Lloyd, stepson, male, single, age 4, born BC, father Quebec, mother Ontario
", Vera Helen, stepdaughter, female, single, age 12, born BC, father Quebec, mother Ontario, student
Coates, Walter, 1890 6th Ave, W, Head, male, married, age 39, born NS, parents NS, Baptist, Carpenter
", Novella, Wife, female, married, age 38, born NS, USA, NS, bible student
", Geraldine, daughter, female, single, age 17, born NS, parents NS, occ Steno,dry goods
", Dorothy, daughter, female, single, age 15, born Alberta, parents born NS, student
", Walter, son, male, single, age 10, born BC, parents born NS, student
", Norman, son, male, single, age 8, born BC, parents born NS
Hall , Charles Harry, 5698 West Boulevard, Head, married, age 49, born NS, parents NS, Baptist, occupation Painter
", Etna, wife, married, age 42, born NS, parents NS,
", Harold Ogilvie, son, single,male, age 15, born USA, parents NS, student, immigration 1912
", Harriet Ethel, daughter, single, female, age 13, born USA, parents NS,immigration 1912, student
", Ralph, son, single, male, age 11, born USA, parents NS, immigration 1912, student
", Mary Evelyen, daughter, female, age 4, born BC, parents born NS
BC Vital Statistics. :Wood, Barbara Virginia, death registration, 1987
BC death registration: 1987-09-019527
Name: WOOD, Barbara Virginia, female
Place of death: 1395 Gibson Road, Kelowna, BC
usual residence: 1395 Gibson Road, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7R1
Marital Status, married
name of spouse: Wood, Eric Irving
occupation: teacher - retired, teaching
Birthdate: February 23, 1916, age 71
Birthplace: Grand Forks, BC
Father: Lee, George McCory [sic], birthplace: Ames , Iowa
Mother: Shotwell, Ethel May, birthplace: Dunellen, New Jersey
informant: [ signed], Son, RR3, site 16B, Comp 29, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7R2
Disposition: Cremation: November 13, 1987
Lakeview Crematorium, Dry Valley Road, Kelowna, BC
Funeral Director: First Memorial Services, Sutherland Ave, Kelowna, BC
Date of Death: November 11, 1987
BC ; digital images; : Wood - Groves, marriage registration, 1915
No 267, registration 15-09-080179
bridegroom: Irving Arthur Wood, age 20, Mechanic
Residence: 975 , 10th Ave West, Vancouver
Place of birth: Nova Scotia ( Amherst)
name of father: Lurandus Wood
name of mother: Nellie Betts
profession of father: Contractor
religion of father: Baptist
bride: Beryl Katherine Groves, age 18, Spinster
Residence: 1106 11 Ave. West, City
Place of birth: Vancouver
father : Daniel Groves, maiden name of mother: Susan Critch
profession of father: Canneryman
religion of bride: Methodist
Date of marriage: March 1th, 1915
Married at: Willow Hospital, corner Willow & Broadway, Vancouver, BC accorlding to the rites and ceremonies of Methodist Church by License 50585.
witnesses: Susan Groves, Annie Hall.
1901 census, Sydney, Nova Scotia. :1901 census, Sydney, Nova Scotia
Wood, L B, male, Head, married, 6 June, 1868, age 33, born Nova Scotia, Methodist, Mason
", Nellie, female, wife, married, 27 March, 1875, age 26, Nova Scotia
", Irving, male, son, single, 4 Nov, 1896, age 4, Nova Scotia
", Walter, male, son, single, 6 Feb 1900, age 1, Cape Breton
1911 census, Vancouver, BC. :1911 census, Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, enumeration district 42, page 25, family 245
Wood, L B, 975 10th Ave, male, head, married, March 1868, age 43, Nova Scotia, Methodist, Contractor
", Nellie, female, wife, married, June 1874, age 36, Nova Scotia, Baptist
", Irvin, male, son, single, Nov 1897, age 13, Nova Scotia
", Walter, male, son, single, Febr 1900, age 11, Nova Scotia
", Winifred, female, daughter, single, April 1901, age 10 , Nova Scotia
", Marjorie, female, daughter, single, Nov 1902, age 8, Nova Scotia
", Edna, female, daughter, single, Nov 1906, age 4, Alberta,
BC ; :Groves, Katie Beryl, birth registration, 1896
No 284
When born: September 26th, 1896
Name: Katie Beryl Groves, female
Father: Daniel Groves
Maiden name of mother: Susan Critch
profession of father: Canneryman
informant: Daniel Groves, father, 637 Prior Street, Vancouver, BC
when registered: 18 November, 1896
1901 census, Vancouver, BC. :
1901 census, Vancouver, BC
Burrard District, sub-division 19, page 5
family 55,
Groves, Daniel, male, white, Head, married, birth Aug 19, 1868, age 32, Newfoundland, immigration: 1886, English, Methodist, Canneryman
Grover, female, white, wife, married, birth Feb 9, 1871, age 30, Newfoundland, immigration 1889, English, Methodist,
Groves, Beryl, white, daughter, single, birth Sept 26, 1896, age 4, BC, English,Methodist
Groves, Madge, white, daughter, single, birth Mar 28, 1898, age 3, BC, Engish, Methodist
Wood, Katheryn Beryl, B.C. death registration , 1932. :Wood, Katheryn Beryl, B.C. death registration , 1932
BC Registration 1932-09-469883
Place of Death: Vancouver, 1106 11th Ave W.
Name: Katherine Beryl Wood
residence: 3437 - 4th Ave. West
Female, age 35, racial origin: Newfoundlander, married,
Birthplace: Vancouver
Date of birth: Sept 26, 1896, age 35 yrs 4 months, 15 days
occupation: Housewife
Length of stay: at place of death: 1 day, in province: lifetime
name of father; Daniel Groves, birthplace of father: Newfoundland
maiden name of mohter: Susan Critch, birthplace of mother: Newfoundland
informant: Clarence E. Salter, address 1839 McNichol Ave, relationship: Brother-in-law
Place of burial : Ocean View Burial Park, date of burial: Feb 13th, 1932
Date of death : Feb 11, 1932
Cause of death: Septic Endocarditis
Lee, George McCrory, death register. :Lee, George McCrory, death register
American Foreign Service, report of the death of an American Citizen
Place and date: Toronto, Canada, January 4, 1961
Name in full: George McCrory Lee,
Occupation: Engineer
Born: Des Moines, Iowa, Feb 10, 1886
Date of Death: July 22, 1960, Age 74 years
Place of death: 64 Leacrest Road, Toronto, Ontario
Cause of death: Certified by Dr. Geor. W. Stark, attending physician, 170 St. George St, Toronto
to be a cerebral Haemorhage
Disposition of the remains Sent to Denver , Coloardo for burial.
BC ; :Groves - Critch, marriage registration: 1895
BC marriage registration: 1895-09-045501
No 959
His name: Daniel Groves, age 27, residence: Vancouver, BC
Place of birth: Bonavista, Newfoundland, Bachelor, profession: ??
Names of parents: Richard Groves & Elizabeth Abbot
Her name: Susan Critch, age 25, residence: Vancouver, BC
Place of birth: Brigus, Newfoundland, Spinster
names of parents: Henry Critch, Ellen Mann
witnesses: Kenneth McKenzie, Maria Critch
residence of witnesses: Vancouver, BC
Date of marriage: Dec 17, 1895
religion of groom and bride: Methodist
BC Vital Statistics. :Groves - Salter, marriage registration, 1920
BC registration 1920-09-222789
Vancouver, BC
full name: Salter, Clarence Edgar
occupation: Lumber Grader, Bachelor, age 24, religion: Congregationalist
Residence: 1822 Broadway, Everett, Wash.
Place of birth: Ottumwa, Iowa, USA
father: Frank Philip Salter, birthplace father: Gaspe Penisula
maiden name of mother: Phoebe Kirkpatrick, birthplace mother: Belleville, Ontario
read , write: Yes
full name: Groves , Nellie Madge
Occupation: at home, spinster, age 22, Methodist
Residence: 1106 11 Ave West,
Place of birth: Vancouver, BC
Name of father: Daniel Groves, place of birth father: Newfoundland
maiden name of mother: Susan Critch, place of birth of mother: Newfoundland
read and write: Yes
When married: Twentiieth day of October, 1920
Place of marriage: 1106- 11 Ave. W, Vancouver by license 69795
signatures: Clarence E Salter, and Madge Groves
Witnesses: Charles Damon?, 2922, Lombard Ave, Everett, Wash
Gladys M. Groves, 1106- 11 Ave, W. Vancouver
BC vital statistics. :Groves, Elsie Gladys May, death registration, 1979
BC death registration: 1979-09-015540
Name: Groves, Elsie Gladys May
Sex: female
Place of death: DOA St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver
Usual residence: 701- 1265 Beach Ave, Vancouver, BC
Marital status: single, occupation: housekeeper, at home
birthdate: Aug 19, 1902, age 77, birthplace: Vancouver, BC
father: Daniel Groves, birthplace: Newfoundland
mother: Susan Critch, birthplace: Newfoundland
informant: Harold Ogilvie Hall, brother-in-law, 4441 Maple Street, Vancouver, BC, V6J 3V9
Disposition: Burial, 21 September, 1979, Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, BC
Date of death: Sept 16, 1979
Cause of death: Atheriosclerotic heart disease, Pulmonary edema, Chronic pyelonephritis
Autopsy: Yes
BC vital statistics. :Groves, Susan Langdon, death registration, 1950
BC death registration 1950-09-010914
Place of death: Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC
Length of stay in municipality, in province and in Canada: 60 years
full name of deceased: Groves, Susan Langdon
permanent residence: 1106 West 11th Ave, Vancouver, BC
sex: female, Widow, birthplace: Newfoundland
Date of birth: Feb 9, 1871, age 79 yrs, 9 months, 27 days
Trade: at home
if married, name of husband: Daniel Groves
Name of father: Henry Critch,
Maiden name of mother: Mann, christian mame: not known
birthplace of father: Newfoundland, birthplace of mother not known
informant: H O Hall, son-in law, 581 West 26th Ave, Vancouver, BC
disposition: Burial, Dec 8, 1950
Ocean View, Burnaby , BC
Date of death: November 6, 1950
Cause of death: Pulmonary Oedema, fractured skull, accidental . She fell down the stairs at home.
BC vital statistics. :Groves, Daniel, death registration, 1942
Province of British Columbia, registration of death
registration 1942-09-613529
Place of death, Vancouver, 1106 11th Ave, W
Lenght of stay: 54 years in municipality, province and Canada
Name of deceased: GROVES, Daniel
residence: 1106- 11th Ave West, Vancouver, BC
Sex: Male, Canadian, married
Birthplace: Newfoundland
Date of birtH Aug 19, 1868
Age : 74 years, 1 month, 20 days
Trade: Cannery manager. (Retired)
Name of wife: Susan Groves
Father: Richard Groves, birthplace: Newfoundland
Mother: Elizabeth Abbot, birthplace: Newfoundland
informant: ( signed) [unrecognizable], address: 581 26th Ave, relationship: son-in-law
Place of burial: Ocean View, date of burial: Oct 13, 1942
Date of death: Oct 9, 1942
Cause of death: Carcinoma of the stomach
signed by : K. P. Groves, M.D. Vancouver, BC, Oct 9, 1942
15 Granter/Hawkins Family Tree, (www.ancestry.com public family tree files: file owner: unklefox7747).
1891 census, New Westminster, BC. :1891 census, New Westminster, BC
New Westminster, page 87, family 455
Critch, Hy, male, age 50, married, born Newfoundland, father England, mother Newfoundland, Methodist, Blacksmith
", Ellen, female, age 49, married, wife, born England, father England, mother England,
", Geo, male, age 24, single, NF,
", Susan, female, age 22, single, NF
", Ellen, female, age 18, single, NF
", William, male, age 15, single, NF
", Charles, male, age 11, single, NF
", Alice, female, age 8, single, NF
BC Vital Statistics. :Salter, Madge, death registration, 1984
BC death registration: 1984-09-019847
Name: Salter, Madge
Sex: female, Place of death: St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC
Usual residence: 1839 McNicoll Ave. , Vancouver, V6J 1A5
Marital status: widow, husband: Clarence Edgar Salter
occupation: retired, at home
Birthdate: March 28, 1898, age 86, birthplace: Vancouver, BC
father : Daniel Groves, birthplace: Newfoundland
mother: Susan Critch , birthplace: Newfoundlnad
informant: Donald Groves Salter, son, 4778 Clinton St, Burnaby, BC, V5J 2K9
Disposition: Burial , Dec 7 / 84, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Burnaby, BC
Date of death: Dec 4th, 1984
Cause of death: Cerebrovascular accident, hypertension, arteriosclerosis
Autopsy: No
Salter, Clarence Edgar, death registration, 1977. :Salter, Clarence Edgar, death registration, 1977
BC death registration: 77-09-017558
Salter, Clarence Edgar
died: Vancouver General Hospital, 28 November, 1977
married: Madge Groves
occupation: Plant manager, Canadian Fishing
birth date: Jan 24, 1896, Iowa
father: Salter, Francis Phillip , mother: Phoebe Kirkpatrick,
informant: Donald Salter, son 4778 Clinton Street, Burnaby, BC
Burial: November 30, 1977, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Burnaby, BC
Date of Death: 28 November, 1977
Cause of death: ruptured abdominal aorta aneurism after surgery, autopsy findings
Groves - Hall, marriage registration, 1931-09-387243. :Groves - Hall, marriage registration, 1931-09-387243
BC death registration 1931-09-387243
Bridegroom: Hall, Harold Ogilvie
occupation: construction inspector, Bachelor, age 25,Baptist
residence: 2150 W 36th Ave, Vancouver, BC
place of birth: Los Angeles, California
name of father: Charles Harry Hall
place of birth of father: Berwick, Kings County, Nova Scotia
maiden name of mother: Etna Pearl Ogilvie
place of birth of mother: Wolfville, Kings county, Nova Scotia
read, write: Yes
Bride: Groves, Susan Dorothy
occupation: Teacher, spinster, age 27, United Church of Canada
residence: 1106 W. 11th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Place of birth: Vancouver, BC
Name of father: Daniel Groves, birthplace: Bonavista, Newfoundland
maiden name of mother: Susan Langdon Critch, birthplace: Brigus, Newfoundland
read and write: Yes
When married: Saturday, 19th day of September, 1931
Place of marriage; Canadian Memorial Church, Vancouver, by licence 5267B
signatures: Harold Ogilvie Hall, Susan Dorothy Groves
witnesses: William Earl Burnan?, 2195- 37 Ave W, Vancouver, BC
witnesses: Elise M Tait, 1727 Comox Street, Vancouver, BC
clergyman: A. M. Sanford, United Church of Canada
BC ; :Critch, Ellen Mann, death registration, 1940
Henry Critch, Vancouver, BC, Male, white, Widower, birthplace: Newfoundland, Date of birth: 1841, resident in city and district : 27 years, , age 76
Died: 16th October, 1917 at 3: 30 pm.
occupation: Blacksmith, Place of death: Vancouver, BC. 334 -10 Ave West.
7 years at this address, previous address: 940 Pender Street East.
Name of father: William Critch, birthplace of father: Newfoundland
Maiden name of mother: Mary Roberts, birth place mother: Newfoundland
Informant: Charles Critch, 334 - 10th Ave. West.
Place of burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Oct 18th, 1916 at 2 pm
bc ; :Critch, Ellen Mann, death registration, 1940
Place of death: Vancouver, BC, 3159 W. 29th Ave.
Length of stay 49 years, in City, in Province and in Canada
Residence: 3159 W 29th, Vancouver, BC
female, Canadian, single, birthplace: Newfoundland,
Date of birth: April 27, 1876, age 63 yrs, 9 mos, 21 days
Trade: at home,
Father: Henry Critch, birthplace of father: Newfoundland
Mother: Ellen Mann Critch, birthplace: England
informant: Dan Groves, 1106 W 11th Ave. relationship: brother -in-law
Place of burial: Mt. View, date: Feb 20, 1940
Date of death:Feb 17, 1940
Cause of death: Myocarditis, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis
database; :Critch, Alice Louise, death registration: 1962
Place of death: Vernon, BC, Dellview Hospital
Length of stay where death occured: 10 yrs, 9 mos, 13 days
in Province: 72 years, in Canada: 73 years
full name: CRITCH, Miss Alice Louise
Permanent residence of deceased: Vancouver, BC, Shaughnessy Lodge, 1298 W 10th Ave.
female, Canadian, single, Birthplace: Brigus, Newfoundland
Date of birth: August 26th, 1886, age 76 years
occupation: Bookkeeper, retired
Name of father: Critch, Henry, birthplace of father: Brigus, Newfoundland
Maiden name of mother: Mann, Ellen, birthplace of mother: Brigus, Newfoundland
Burial: Nov 1st, 1962, Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Vernon, BC
Date of Death: Oct 29, 1962
Cause of Death: Cerebral Thrombosis
BC ; :Critch, Mrs Ellen, 1914 death registration
Name: Mrs. Ellen Critch, female, white, married
Birthplace: England, Date of birth: Oct 6, 1845, age 68 yrs, 8 mo, 9 days
Died: 15 June 1914, occupation: Housewife
Place of death: 334- 10th Ave. West, Vancouver, BC
place of burial: Mountain View Cemetery, date of burial: June 17, 1917
how long resident of city: 24 years, in district: ditto, how long in Canada: ditto
Name of father: Wm Mann, birthplace of father: England
Name of mother: Eliza Cummings, birthplace of mother: England
Informant: Henry Critch, 334 10th Ave. W
Cause of death: Hypostatic Pneumonia
1942 BC death registration: George Langdon Critch. :
1942 BC death registration: George Langdon Critch
gender: male
Age 72
Date: 1942/02/01
Registration number: 1942-09-602160
Event type : Death
bc ; :Critch - Fisher , marriage registration 1908
no 319,
His name: Charles Henry Critch
age 24 years, residence: Vancouver, Bc
Place of birth: Brigus, Newfoundland, Bachelor, occupation Blacksmith
Names of parents: Henry Critch & Ellen Mann
Her name: Lillian Fishe, age 23 years, residence: Vancouver, Bc
Place of birth: Parry Sound, Ontario, Spinster
Names of parents: John Fisher & Matilda Armstrong
witnesses: Mrs K Almlins West, Lillian B Sanford
residence of witnesses: Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, BC
Date of marriage: Thursday, May 7th, 1908
religion of groom: Methodist, religion of bride: Methodist
by whom married: Rev A M Sanford by licence No 22696
Place of marriage: Parsonage, 474 Pender Street East, Vancouver, BC
Critch, Lloyd Henry, death registration, 1973. :Critch, Lloyd Henry, death registration, 1973
Place of death: Ganges, BC, Lady Minto Hospital
full name: Critch, Lloyd Henry
permanent residence: Ganges, BC, Rural Route 2
male, Canadian, white, married, birthplace: Vancouver, BC
date of birth: January 26, 1917, age 56 years
trade: Salesman , Bedding Supplies
name of wife: Marion Matheson Campbell
name of father: Critch, Charles, born Newfoundland
maiden name of mother: Lillian Fisher, born Ontario
informant: Marion M Critch, wife, RR2, Ganges, BC
cremation; June 12, 1973, Victoria, BC
date of death: June 10, 1973
cause of death: myocardial infarction, coronary arteriosclerosis, diabetes
BC vital statistics. :Mix, Lillian, death registration, 1961
BC death registration 61-09-012900
Place of Death: Vancouver, BC. Bradden private hospital,
full name: Mix, Lillian
Permanent residence: 2955 Horley Street, Vancouver, BC
female, widow, birthplace: Ontario
date of birth: June 8, 1886, age 75 years
occupation: housewife
if married , name of husband: Orrin Mix
Name of father: Fisher, Jakin, birth Ontario
maiden name of mother: Armstrong, first name not known, birth Ontario
informant: P Critch, relationship: Son, address: 2025 Larson Rd, North Vancouver
cremation: Nov 14, 1961, Vancouver Crematorium
Date of Death: November 11, 1961
cause of death: Systemic Lupus Erthematosus
; :Critch - Adams, marriage registration: 1900
Registration district: Vancouver
his name: George Francis Bethel Adams, age 23, residence: Vancouver
Place of birth: London, England, bachelor, occupation: Carpenter
Names of parents: George Adams, Letitia Mary Lewis
Her Name: Wilhelmina Critch, age 23, residence: Vancouver, BC
Place of birth: Brigus, Newfoundland, spinster
Names of parents: Henry Critch, Ellen Mann
witnesses: George Arch. Hacking, Alice Louise Critch
residence of witnesses: Vancouver, BC
Date of Marriage: January 1, 1900
religious denomination of groom: Congregationalist, of bride: Methodist
By whom married: Rev. R. Wittington, by license 10549
Place of marriage: 930 Princess Street, Vancouver
Wood - Roach, marriage registration, 1890. :Wood - Roach, marriage registration, 1890
Nova Scotia marriage registrations, Year: 1890, Book 1807, page 31, No 60
Date of marriage: May 21, 1890, by licence
Place of marriage: Truro, Nova Scotia, Methodist
Lurandus B Wood, age 22, Bachelor, profession: Mason, residence: Amherst,
place of birth: Maccan, parents : William and Jane
Annie Roach, age 23, Spinster, residence: Amherst,
place of birth: Amherst, parents: Thos & Eliza
witness: Christian B. Moore, Annie Donkin?
Nova Scotia archives. :Wolfe- Mix, marriage registration, 1934
Year 1895, Book 1810, page 132, No 14
January 25/95, Amherst by licence,
L. B. Wood, age 27, Widower, occupation Mason, residence: Amherst,
birthplace Maccan, parents William & Jane, father profession: Farmer
Nellie Betts, age 21, Spinster, residence: Amherst,
birthplace: Amherst, parents Daniel & Ada, father profession: Barber
witnesses: Jennie Betts
Wood, Lurandus Beach, WW1 attestation papers, 1916. :Wood, Lurandus Beach, WW1 attestation papers, 1916
ADDRESS: 975 10th Ave, W. Vancouver, BC
WHERE BORN: Cumberland , Nova Scotia
NEXT OF KIN: Nellie Marion Wood
ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN: 975 10TH Ave, W. Vancouver, BC
DATE OF BIRTH: March 27th, 1871
TRADE OR CALLING: Construction foreman, Draughtsman, Bricklayer
signed : Lurandus B Wood
DATE: Feb 3, 1916
Vancouver, BC
note by j c anderson. 2014, Lurandus clearly lied about his age. He was already 3 years old on the 1871 census taking, so was NOT born in 1871 as shown here.. He would have been abt age 48 here.
Wood, Nellie Mariion, death registration, 1961. :Wood, Nellie Mariion, death registration, 1961
Place of death: 725 West 70th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Name: Wood, Nellie Marion
residence: 725 West 70th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Date of Birth: June 6th, 1874, Nova Scotia, age 87
husband: Larandus Wood
father: John Betts, Nova Scotia
mother: Adah Sharpe, Nova Scotia
burial Oct 12, Ocean View Cemeter
Date of death: Oct 7, 1961
1891 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia. :1891 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia
page 71- 72, family 324
Betts, Daniel D., male, age 39, married, born NS, father NS, mother NS, prop barber shop
", Ada, female, age 35, married, born U. States, father NB, mother U. States,
", Arthur, male, age 18, single, born U. States, father NS, mother U. States, clerk, dry goods
", Nellie, female, age 16, single, born NS, father NS, mother U. States
Betts, Edith, female, age 13, Daughter, born NS, father NS, mother US, Baptist
", Cora, female, age 12, Daughter, born NS, father NS, mother US, Baptist
", Jennie, female, age 8, Daughter, born NS, father NS, mother US, Baptist
", Novelle, female, age 7, Daughter, born NS, father NS, mother US, Baptist
Wood, Hubert, birth registration, 1872. :Wood, Hubert, birth registration, 1872
Nova Scotia birth registrations: Year 1872, book 1805, page 185, No 19
Hubert Wood, male, born 9 Dec 1872, Lower Maccan, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia,
father: William Wood, Lower Maccan, Farmer,
maiden name of mother: Jane Boss
marriage date & place: 11 March, 1853, Spring Hill
informant: William Wood
Harrison - Wood marriage registration: 1900. :Harrison - Wood marriage registration: 1900
Marriage registration: Year 1900, Book 1810, page 234, No 242
When and where married:: Dec 27, 1900, Maccan , by licence , Methodist
Names of parties:
John Russell Harrison, age 42, Bachelor, Farmer, residence: Maccan, born Maccan
parents: John and Jerusha, occupation : Farmer
Eunice Wood, age 30 , Spinster, residence: Maccan, born Maccan,
parents: William and Jane, occupation: Farmer
witnesses: W W Wood, Louise Road
Minister: Revd. R. McArthur
Wood, William, 1871 census record, Cumberland, Nova Scotia. :Wood, William, 1871 census record, Cumberland, Nova Scotia
Wood, William, Head, age 51, W. Methodist, Farmer, married
", Jane, wife, age 40, married
", John , son, age 16
", Cecilia, daughter, age 14
", Sarah E, daughter, age 12
", William, son, age 7
", Jane, daughter, age 5
", Lurandus, son, age 3
", Eunice, daughter, age 5/12 ( Oct)
Boss, John, male, age 77, W. Methodist, Farmer, widower
Betts - Sharp marriage registration, Massachusetts Marriage records. :Betts - Sharp marriage registration, Massachusetts Marriage records
1872 Massachusetts Marriage records
1872, #52
date: July 11, 1872,
Names: Daniel D Betts,residence: Boston, age 22, Barber, born Nova Scotia, parents Benjamin & Martha, 1st marriage
Ada Sharp, residence: Boston, age 19, born Boston, parents: Obadiah A. & Sarah, 1st marriage
1911 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia. :1911 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia
family 235
Betts, D D, male, head, married, Sept 1849, age 62, Nova Scotia, Baptist, Barber
", Ada, female, wife, married, February 1856, age 55, USA, Baptist
", Arthur, male, son, married, April 1876, age 35, USA, Baptist, Barber
Chisholm, Duncan, male, boarder, single, June 1887, age 24, Nova Scotia, R Cath, Barber
Porter, Vera, female, Granddaughter, single, July 1899, age 12, Nova Scotia, Baptist, at school
Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics. :Betts, Daniel D, death registration, 1914
Nova Scotia vital statistics, Year 1914, book 41, page 91, Number 361
Name: Betts, Daniel D,
Date of death: 2 Sept, 1914, age 64 years
residence: Asylum at ??
Occupation : Craftsman
single or married: Married
Name of spouse: [blank]
Cause of death: General Paralysis
Where born: Wallace
Place of burial: Amherst Cemetery
1901 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia. :1901 census, Amherst, Nova Scotia
family 184
Betts, Daniel D, male, head, married, born Sept 1850, age 50, Nova Scotia, Baptist, Barber
", Ada, female, wife, married, born 21 Feb 1855, age 55, born US , immigation 1876, Baptist
", Arthur, male, son, single, 17 April 1875, age 25, born US, immigration 1876, Baptist, Barber
", Cora, female, daughter, single, 21 Feb 1880, age 21, born NS,
", Novella, female, daughter, single, 1 Dec 1883, age 17, born NS, typesetter
Porter, Vera, grand daughter, single, 19 July 1998, age 2, born NS
Betts, Martha, mother, widow, born 1822, age 78, born NS, Ch of England
", Mary, boarder, single, born 1880, age 20, born NS, Methodist, tailoress,
Sharp, Obadiah, 1870 census, Cambridge, Massachusetts. :Sharp, Obadiah, 1870 census, Cambridge, Massachusetts
famiy 648
Sharp, Obadiah A, age 53, male, white, Watch Maker, born New Brunswick,
", Hannah, age 50, female, white, born Mass.
", Christopher, age 24, male, white, Match Maker, born New Brunswick
", Melvin D, age 14, male, white, at home, born Mass
", Sarah E, age 20, female, white, no occupation, born Maine
", Ada U, age 16,female, white, no occupation, born Mass
", Henry, age 42, male, white, Carpenter, born Nova Scotia
", Esther, age 40, female, white, no occupation, born Maine
Boston Massachusetts birth registers, 1855. :Boston Massachusetts birth registers, 1855
Births registered in the City of Boston, during the year 1855
Date of birth: Feb 21, 1855
Name: Ada Udavila Sharpe
Sex: female
Place of birth: 123 Maverick
father: Obadiah A
mother: Hannah
residence of parents: Maverick
occupation of father: Jeweller
Place of birth of father: NB
Place of birth of mother: Yarmouth
1861 census, Westmorland, New Brunswick. : 1861 census, Westmorland, New Brunswick
no 2317
Obediah Sharp, male, Head, age 45, born native, Watch Maker, Baptist
Hannah Sharp, female, Wife, age 43, born US, Baptist
Sarah E Sharp, female, daughter, age 10, born US
Adah Villa Sharp, female, daughter, age 6, born US
Melvin Sharp, male, son, age 5, born US
California Death index, 1905- 1939. : Betts, Adah , death registration, 1926
Name: Adah Betts
Birth year: abt 1855
Death date: 13 June 1926
Age at death: 71
Death place: Los Angeles, California, USA
Adah L. Betts, obituary, 1926.
Adah L. Betts, obituary, 1926
The death occurred recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Newcombe, Los Angeles of Mrs. Adah Betts, widow of the late Daniel D. Betts, a former well known barber of of Amherst. She was only ill a short time. Mrs. Betts was a native of Sackville, a daughter of the late Obadiah Sharpe, and is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Newcombe in Los Angeles, Mrs. L. B. Wood and Mrs. W. B. Coates in Vancouver. Also a grandaughter, Vera, who was brought up from infancy by Mrs. Betts owing to the death of her daughter Edith ( Mrs. Jack Porter). Interment took place in Los Angeles. Many old friends will recall the deceased with a kindly remembrance.
Betts - Black marriage registration 1904 , Nova Scotia. :Betts - Black marriage registration 1904 , Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia marriage registrations : year 1904, book 1811, page 9, Number 131
21 June, 1904, by licence
Amherst, Baptist
Arthur Warren Betts, age 31, bachelor, Barber, residence Amherst, born Boston, Mass. , parents Daniel and Ada, father occupation Barber
May Sophia Black, age 21, Spinster, residence Amherst, born Oxford, Cumberland Co, parents Charles & Josephine , father occupation Painter
witnesses: W. M. Steele and Mrs. Walter Coates , Revd D A Steele
Betts - Coates, marriage, 1902, Amherst, Nova Scotia. :Betts - Coates, marriage, 1902, Amherst, Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia, Year 1902, book 1810, page 274, Number 281
25 Dec/ 02 by licence, Amherst, Baptist
Walter Bacon Coates, age 21, Bachelor, Carpenter, residence: Amherst, born Amherst, parents: Elisha & Louisa M, father Carpenter,
Novella Betts, age 19, residence: Amherst, born Amherst, parents Daniel D and Adah, father Hair Dresser,
witnesses: Arthur W Betts, Nicholas B Coates
Silliphant - Porter, marriage registration, 1922. :Silliphant - Porter, marriage registration, 1922
Nova Scotia, marriage registrations , Year 1922, book 40, page 49
Name: Silliphant, Charles Frederick
occupation: Rxxxx? Inspector
Bachelor, Age 27, Baptist
Residence: Chelsea, Mass.
Place of birth: Amherst,
father: John Stephen, place of birth P. E. Island
mother: Mary Hire
Name: Porter, Vera Gwendolen
occupation: employee at the shoe factory
Spinster, age 24, Baptist
Residence: Chelsea, Mass
Place of birth: Amherst
name of father: John William
place of birth of father: Halifax
maiden name of mother: Edith Betts
when married: fifth day of August, 1922
place of marriage: 40 Rupert Street
signed: Fred Chas Silliphant, Vera G. Porter
Mrs. W D McKenzie, 122 Shawnnett? Street, Chelsea, Mass, USA
A. F. Hire, Amherst, NS
Clergyman: D A Steele, 40 Rupert Street, Amherst
Boston Massachusetts death registers. : Boston Massachusetts death registers
Year: 1883
Date: May 9,
Names: Melvin Sharp, white, age 27,
Place of death: City Hospital (255 Bolton St)
sex and condition Male, married
Occupation: Jeweller
Birthplace: Amherst, NS
Names and birthplace of father: Obadiah , NS
Names and birthplace of mother: Hannah, Yarmouth
Cause of death: Enteric fever
Place of interment: Mt. Hope
informant: J S Cole
Critch - Wolfe marriage registration, 1925. Critch - Wolfe marriage registration, 1925
BC marriage registration: 25-09-288273
Vancouver, BC
Full name: Wolfe, John William
occupation: Sheet metal worker, Divorced, age 46, Methodist, residence: 1206 Baxx? Street, Vancouver
Place of birth: Owen Sound, Ontario
father: William John Wolfe, place of birth of father: United States
mother: Emma Redfern, place of birth : Ontario
Full name; Critch, Lillian,
occupation:House wife, widow,, age 38, Methodist, residence: 3981 Main Street, Vancouver, bC
Place of birth: Parry Sound , Ontario
father: John Fisher, place of birth: Ontario
mother: Matilda Armstrong, place of birth: Quebec
When married: 10 January, 1925
place of marriage: Mt. Pleasant Parsonage, 345 -12 th Ave West, Vancouver, by licence 87620
signed: John William Wolfe, Lillian Critch
witnesses: Eleanor J Sanford, Katherine Glass
clergyman: O M Sanford , 345 12 th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Methodist
BC Vital Statistics. :Wolfe- Mix, marriage registration, 1934
BC marriage registration 34-09-418543
Vancouver, BC
full name: Mix, Orrin Cottier
occupation: foreman, widower, age 58, Protestant
residence: 110 E 8th Ave. Vanc. BC
Place of birth: Ottawa, Ont.
name of father: Mix, Joshua, born Ontario
name of mother: Burns, Minnie, born Ottawa
full name: Wolfe, Lillian, Widow, age 45, Protestant
residence: 175 East Broadway, Vanc.
place of birth: Ontario
father: Fisher, John, birth : Ontario
mother: Armstrong, Matilda, birth: Ontario
Place of marriage: 345 West 12th Ave, Vanc. BC by licence 15796B
signed: O B Mix, Lillian Wolfe
witnessess: Gladys Redmond, 848 W. Broadway, S? Critch, Suite 11 166 E. 11
Clergyman: U EWhitehouse, 345 West 12th Ave, Vanc, United Church of Canada
1926 BC death registration of John William Wolfe. :
1926 death registration Wolfe, John William
Name: Wolfe, John William
gender : male
age 47
Event place: Vancouver
registration number: 1926-09-367033
Event: Death
BC Vital Statistics. :Critch - Pennington, marriage registration, 1933
BC marriage reg # 33-09-410014, 1933
Groom: James William Pennington
occupation: clerk, Bachelor, age 24, Church of England
residence: 2157 5th Ave. East
Place of birth: England,
Name of father: Wm. Pennington, born England
maiden name of mother: Helen Dewhurst, born England
Bride:Critch, Vera Ellen
occupation : clerk, spinster, age 24, Baptist
residence: Lee Bdg. #46, corner Broadway & Main
Place of birth: Vancouver
father: Charles Critch
Place of birth of father: Montreal , Quebec
maiden name of mother: Lillian Fisher,
Place of birth of mother: Parry Sound, Ontario
When married: Fourteeth December, 1933
Place of marriage: Grandview Baptist Church by licence 12925-B
signed: James William Pennington, Vera Ellen Critch
Boston Massachusetts, marriage registers. :Boston Massachusetts, marriage registers
Year: 1873
Date: June 16th
Name: Christopher P Sharpe, residence: Sommerville, age 28, Watchmaker,
place of birth: Sackville, N. B,
names ofo parents: Obadiah A, Hannah
1st marriage
Name: Mary E Dunham, residence: Boston, age 23,
place of birth: Boston
names of parents: Giles, Sarah
2nd marriage
Nova Scotia vital statistics. :Hall, Charles Harry, birth registration 1871
Nova Scotia birth records
Year 1871, book 1816, page 144, number 383
Hall, Charles Harry, born 20 Oct 1871, Burlington, Nova Scotia,
father Charles Hall, Farmer, residence: West Cornwallis,
mother Harriet Snow, parents married 1863 Annapolis County
1881 census, Harbourville, Kings County , Nova Scotia. :1881 census, Harbourville, Kings County , Nova Scotia
page 30
Ogilvie, Isaiah, male, age 29, born NS, Baptist, Scotch, Farmer, married
", Charlotte A, female, age 24, born NS, Baptist, English, married
", Etna Pearle, female, age 1, born NS, Baptist, Scotch, single
", Abbigail J, female, age 21, born NS, Baptist, Scotch, single
Nova Scotia vital statistics. :Hall - Snow, marriage registration, 1862
Nova Scotia marriage records, Year 1862, book 1800, page 11183
Marriage dated the 26th day of December, 1862 and in the the twenty sixth year of Her Majesty's Reign.
Charles Hall of Cornwallis, County of Kings, farmer, widower and Harriet Ann Snow of Granville, County of Annapolis, , spinster
Revd. Murray, Baptist, congregatiion of Christians at Port Williams, in the County of Annapolis.
Nova Scotia vital Statistics. :Ogilvie - Gould , marriage registration, 1878
Nova Scotia marriage registrations,
Year 1878, book 1826, page 114, Number 40
May 4th, 1878, by licence, Cornwallis, Baptist
Names of parties:
Isaiah Ogilvie, age 26, bachelor, farmer, residence Cornwallis,
parents: James and Charlotte, farmer
Charlotte Gould, age 21, spinster, residence Cornwallis,
parents: George and Anne, farmer,
witnesses: O H M Read, Robert Ogilvie
Rev. Jas. L Read
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